If you’ve never set up a goldfish tank before, the first thing that comes to mind is probably that typical torpedo-shaped orange fish you can win at the fair.
Little do many aquarists know that there is a whole world of goldfish out there. Breeders in ancient China worked for over a thousand years to produce all sorts of selectively bred varieties. Not to mention Europeans, Americans, and other late comers to the hobby.
So which goldfish breeds are right for your tank?

There are hundreds of different goldfish types. But these 15 are the species appreciated by most aquarists.
Single-Tailed Goldfish
It’s easy to guess how single-tail goldfish earned their name. They are “non-fancy” goldfish, which means that their body plan is closer to that of their Prussian carp ancestor.
Their bodies are slender without any extensive modifications. The color is what tends to vary the most. And in some of these goldfish breeds a long, flowing tail.
Common Goldfish

Pet stores, fairgrounds, and pond supply stores all over the world carry common goldfish for sale. Common goldfish are your typical orange, yellow or white childhood pet. And sometimes sold as popular feeders for fish carnivores.
Goldfish common have an elongated body and a short, single tail. They grow larger than beginner aquarists might realize; the largest goldfish in the world was a whopping 19 inches. Not all common gold fish will grow this large. But 10 inches is the norm if conditions are right.
Comet Goldfish

Comet goldfish are another common single-tailed goldfish type. The difference between common goldfish vs comets is in the tail. Commons have a short tail (or caudal fin). Whereas a comet is a long fin goldfish. It looks like a lace gown; a decorative sight when viewed from above in a pond.
Like commons, comet goldfish can be found in orange, yellow or white. Comet goldfish white with blotchy orange colors are also popular. Comet goldfish also grow large and reach sizes similar to common goldfish.
Shubunkin Goldfish

Shubunkin are a type of goldfish bred for their coloration. The “standard” version of this variety (known as the American Shubunkin) is identical to comet goldfish save for its calico pattern.
Shubunkin goldfish have a spotted pattern that comes in a range of colors including orange, blue, white and black. Their tones and finnage help shubunkins stand apart in a school of orange goldfish.
Looking for a Shubunkin goldfish that looks more similar to the classic common goldfish? You might like the short-finned London Shubunkin. For something a little more dramatic you can consider getting Bristol Shubunkin, which have long heart-shaped tails.
Both of these sub-varieties will be more difficult to find. But several online goldfish distributors carry them in stock.
Wakin Goldfish
The Wakin goldfish is an unusual gold fish pet. It looks half fancy and half non-fancy, with a double tail but an elongated body.
It is suspected to be the ancestor of the fancier goldfish types we know today. But most sources categorize it as a common due to its body shape.
Long-bodied goldfish like commons and Wakins grow larger than stockier fancy goldfish types. They are more active swimmers as well.
That’s why the Wakin is kept as a pond fish. In fact, in Japan you’ll see more Wakins in ponds than common goldfish.
Fancy Goldfish
“Fancy goldfish” is a collective name for goldfish types that have been bred to exhibit all sorts of physical traits that single-tails don’t.
As a rule of thumb, all fancy goldfish have double tails. They also have a different body shape from commons.
Rather than elongated and torpedo shaped, fancies have short and stocky bodies. They are slower swimmers and somewhat more sensitive to water quality.
Most fancy goldfish types don’t respond well to very low temperatures and are best kept indoors. Don’t mix fancies and commons. The latter may outcompete the former for goldfish food, leaving the slow fancy goldfish hungry.
Fantail Goldfish

Fantail goldfish are the most common fancy goldfish type out there. They have the standard fancy goldfish egg shape, an elongated back (dorsal) fin and a long tail. These goldfish are the European version of the Ryukin goldfish.
If you’re looking to get into fancy goldfish keeping, fantails are a good choice. Several of the more “extreme” fancy varieties require extra care due to their body modifications. But fantail goldfish are hardier than the rest.
Ryukin Goldfish

Ryukin goldfish are considered the Eastern version of the fantail. The difference is in the body shape: Ryukins are tall goldfish with a significant shoulder hump behind the head. Ryukins bred for fish shows are sometimes taller than they are long.
Unlike other fancy goldfish, Ryukins have a somewhat pointed head. Their tails can be either short or long depending on the variety. With some Ryukin goldfish featuring a tail twice as long as the body.
Ryukin, like fantails, are known for being among the larger fancy goldfish types. If you’re interested in keeping them, provide a larger aquarium (30-40 gallons). Or go for a pond; Ryukin are hardy and deal with lower temperatures well.
If you’d like to keep Ryukin goldfish, keep in mind that they look similar to fantails when young. As with many other fancy goldfish, their selectively bred traits (in this case the shoulder hump) aren’t so pronounced when the fish is still small.
It isn’t until your Ryukin grows larger that it develops the typical tallness. Even then, the degree to which the shoulder hump grows depends on the quality of the fish. As well as other factors like diet.
Pearlscale Goldfish

The cute pearlscale goldfish is one of the more weird goldfish types around. The variety is reminiscent of a golf ball, as it was selectively bred for a round body and thick scales.
Pearlscape goldfish are not the best choice for those just starting out with fancy goldfish. Due to extensive selective breeding this variety is more sensitive than other goldfish.
You’ll have to provide pristine water quality at all times. Also be prepared for swim bladder diseases. Their body shape has been altered so much that in some cases the swim bladder fails to function well. Preventing the goldfish from swimming and finding food.
Bubble Eye Goldfish

We’re jumping straight to the most strange-eyed fancy goldfish out there. The bubble eye goldfish is well named; this variety has been bred to display water-filled sacs under its eyes. These sacs grow as the fish does and are huge in full grown adults
Bubble eye goldfish care is more advanced, making them less of a good beginner choice. You’ll have to bubble eye-proof your aquarium by removing any objects that might be sharp.
And placing a prefilter sponge around the filter intake. This applies to any goldfish with big eyes but bubble cheek goldfish are the most delicate.
Their bubbles are very fragile and can actually pop when damaged. A popped bubble won’t cause permanent eye damage and the bubble might regrow. But there is always the risk of infection.
Keep bubble eye goldfish with nothing but other slow fancy goldfish varieties. Faster ones, like Ryukin, will outcompete bubble eyes for food.
Telescope Eye Goldfish

One of the most well-known types of fancy goldfish is the telescope eye goldfish. As its name suggests, this variety is known for its round, protruding eyes.
The variety are also known as Demekin, the original Japanese name. Telescope eye goldfish come in several “subcategories”, including the popular black moor and panda telescope.
Telescope eyes are less fragile than bubble eyes but you should still take great care to protect their eyes. Damage can result in complete loss of the eye and infection. Place a protector around your water change hose and use a prefilter sponge to avoid accidents.
Celestial Eye Goldfish

The rather unusual celestial eye goldfish resembles a telescope eye and was selectively bred from a mutation of this variety. There is one clear difference that easily allows us to distinguish between the two, though. Celestial eye goldfish have eyes that point upwards rather than to the side, hence the name. Additionally, celestials lack a dorsal fin.
This variety has been around for a long time and its origin likely dates back to the 18th century. If you’d like to keep it in your aquarium, keep in mind that the celestial’s upturned eyes mean its vision isn’t exactly fantastic. Although these fish are quite active they should be protected from sharp objects and will not be able to compete for goldfish food with tankmates with better vision.
Oranda Goldfish

One of the more best-known fancy goldfish varieties is the Oranda. This goldfish was selectively bred for a fleshy mass on its head known as a wen. The wen looks a bit like a lion’s mane.
Fancy oranda goldfish fry start out their lives looking almost like a normal fantail, with the wen becoming more prominent as they age.
Oranda goldfish are one of the hardier and faster fancy goldfish types out there, especially when their wen is still small. Remember that the head growth should be protected from damage to prevent infection.
In some fish the wen might grow too big. Prompting goldfish enthusiasts to gently trim it with clean scissors. Don’t do this if you’re not an expert goldfish keeper. But it is a good idea if your oranda isn’t able to swim right.
Ranchu Goldfish & Lionhead Goldfish

These two fancy goldfish varieties are easy to mix up. Both have wens and lack a dorsal fin. But with practice you will be able to see the difference.
Lionhead goldfish will have a fuller head growth or wen that appears to stick up from the head more and fuller cheeks. Their bodies are more elongated and the angle where the back joins the tail is less acute.
Although lionheads and ranchu goldfish are two different varieties, their care is the same. Because they lack a dorsal fin these fish can be rather slow. If the wen covers the eyes it will impair their vision and may need to be trimmed.
All this means they won’t be able to compete for goldfish food with more “able-bodied” tankmates. They should be kept in an aquarium containing other ranchus and lionhead goldfish. As well as any other other slow goldfish varieties
Black Moor Goldfish

One of the most popular types of goldfish is the black moor goldfish. The black moor is a type of telescope eye goldfish that is covered in black scales. The more black coverage the moor has the higher the perceived quality of the fish.
Black moor goldfish are identical to other telescope eye goldfish in terms of care. Be aware that they do change color due to age, genetics, or water conditions. It’s not a problem unless it is in response to poor water quality.
If you are interested in learning more about black moor goldfish then know that I go into more detail in my species specific care guide to these fish.
Choosing the Right Goldfish Tank Size
Most goldfish end up in unsuitable homes. The myth that goldfish can be kept in bowls, vases and small tanks is still around. Which means most of these fish die before their time.
The problem is greatest for common goldfish because a feeder goldfish sells for just a few cents. These fish can even be won at your local fair. Therefore not every aspiring goldfish keeper actually looks into what kind of care their new fish needs.
Common Goldfish Tank Size
10 inches is not uncommon for a well-cared-for goldfish. Most never grow to their full potential because a big goldfish in a small bowl or tank can end up stunted in its growth.
This is a mechanism developed by the wild Crucian carp in order to attempt to survive a little longer when the lake dries out or overcrowding occurs. So the fish can survive make it until conditions improve.
The fact that a goldfish in a small body of water stays much smaller is part of what spawned the myth that this species doesn’t need much room. In reality, stunting is a sign of poor and dangerous conditions. Not to mention the way ammonia and other harmful compounds build up in that small amount of water.
How Large of an Aquarium for Common Goldfish?
When keeping goldfish we want an aquarium of at least 20 gallons in size up until they are 6 inches long. Past this length, they should be only kept in aquariums 55 gallons in volume or larger.
For each additional goldfish add 10 to 20 gallons of additional water volume. Remember, these are sizable fish with a large body mass for their length. Goldfish produce loads of ammonia and need enough filtration and water volume to dilute and process it all.
A well-filtered pond of at least 200 gallons with at least five goldfish (they are social beings) is an even better choice. Goldfish water temperature is not a problem, as commons, comets, shubunkin, and wakin goldfish are winter-hardy. So long as the pond is deep enough, that is.
Therefore the pond area should be is 3 to 5 feet deep, depending on where you are in the world. Otherwise, the pond may freeze solid during a harsh winter, killing your fish.
Fancy Goldfish Tank Size
Fancy goldfish tend to stay smaller than common goldfish. They’re less active and most species aren’t winter-hardy since they have been bred indoors for generations.
Does that mean they can be kept in bowls or a small tank? No goldfish is good for a bowl or tiny aquarium. But they don’t need a massive aquarium, either.
Fancy goldfish keepers provide 20 gallons of water per fancy goldfish. Accompanied by what would be overfiltration for a normal fish tank.
This means you’ll be looking at an aquarium of at least 40 gallons, given the fact that goldfish are group animals. They look to their tankmates for safety in numbers and are uncomfortable when kept alone.
Can I Keep Goldfish in a Goldfish Bowl?
Remember that a goldfish bowl is never an option if you are looking to provide humane and clean conditions for your pets. A goldfish bowl offers no space, no filtration, no water turnover, and will result in a slow death for a fish.
For Ryukin and fantails I advise providing an even larger than the 20 gallon rule. That being said, just try to provide as much room as possible. It’s hard to imagine how the small fancies being sold at pet stores can grow to the size of an orange. But it will happen over time.
A big goldfish will make a 40 gallon aquarium look small. In fact, the author at one point provided 30 gallons per adult fancy goldfish. I did feel the need to upgrade the aquarium as it still seemed too small.
Goldfish Water Conditions
Big goldfish produce so much waste and fancies are sensitive. So you’ll have to constantly monitor the water quality and stay on top of water changes. 50% water changes (or more) twice a week are not uncommon for goldfish keepers.
We do this because goldfish release loads of ammonia in their waste. And their continuous rooting along the bottom also stirs up decaying debris. Both of which contribute to poor water quality.
That said, goldfish are more tolerant than most fish of nitrogenous waste products. We still don’t want to allow our aquarium water to grow dirty. But if you happen to miss a water change your goldfish won’t suffer in the meantime.
Here are the water conditions that goldfish thrive in:
- pH: 6.5-8.0+
- Water Temperature: 58-72℉
- Water GH/KH: no preference
- Oxygenation: moderate
- Salinity: none, except for disease treatment
How Long Do Goldfish Live For?
If your goldfish does not live to be decades-long then it died before its time. Believe it or not, goldfish live for decades in captivity.
In fact, some of the longest-lived aquarium fish in the world are goldfish. According to Guinness World Records, the oldest known goldfish was Tish, a carnival comet goldfish that lived to be 43 years old.
Their close relatives the koi carp can live even longer; 30 to 50 years is normal for them. And the oldest reliably dated koi was a Japanese carp named Hanako that lived to be 226.
The types of goldfish out there range vary in their appearance and care needs. But all of them share the same preference for cool water, peaceful tank mates, and are long lived aquarium fish. Thanks to this article, you should be an expert in telling goldfish varieties apart now.
Whether you enjoy fancy or common varieties, there is a type of goldfish out there for everyone. Be aware that the different breeds sometimes have different care needs. But even the most delicate goldfish types is a satisfying and long-lived pet aquarium fish.
Frequently Asked Questions about Goldfish
How Big Can Goldfish Get?
Goldfish may look cute when small but they do grow up to be large fish. Anywhere from 6 to 12 inches is normal for goldfish depending on the variety.
What Does a Goldfish Eat?
Goldfish are true omnivores, meaning they eat both plant and animal matter. You should be providing both for your fish in the form of algae, gently boiled vegetables, worms, and a high quality pellet or flake food formula.
How Long Does a Goldfish Live?
Goldfish breeds are some of the longest lived aquarium fish. An adult goldfish will live for many decades. 20 to 30 years is not unheard of and the oldest known goldfish was 43 years of age when it died.
Is a Goldfish OK on its Own?
Goldfish are social beings and should be kept with other fish. But if your tank is on the small side, it is better to provide a clean environment and keep a goldfish alone. They do interact with each other but they aren’t schooling or shoaling fish.
Are Goldfish Carp?
Goldfish are true carp in the family Cyprinidae. Alongside Koi, Barbs, Danios, and Rasboras they are carp and therefore minnows as well.
This was very helpful! Thank you for the good information!!!
Our goldfish has the most amazing fins and tail. The tail is single, but very large and delicate looking. Her find are equally beautiful. She has a hump on her back with a delicate fin on top. She has grown to about 7″, not including the tail. What kind of goldfish is she?
Thanks for the great blog very helpful!
I am keen to get more fancys to add to my collection so great tips on her and highly recommending this website to my fellow avid fancy keepers.
Have a 3 gal tank-want 1 goldfish. Buying a tank with filter incl. What fish would u recommend and price—size? Like single tail shown above and how often for fresh water changes.