13 Best Aquarium Forums & Communities (Freshwater & Saltwater)
In this guide we take a look at 13 of our favorite aquarium forums and communities to learn everything you need to know about fishkeeping.
In this guide we take a look at 13 of our favorite aquarium forums and communities to learn everything you need to know about fishkeeping.
This guide explains the importance of biological filtration and how it works to make your aquarium safe for its inhabitants.
Most aquarium owners keep lights on during the day, but do fish need light at night? Should you buy special night lighting for your tank?
New fish keeping often want to know – do fish recognize their owners? This guide covers everything you should know!
In this guide we cover 10 of our favorite black aquarium fish and how to keep them at home.
So you’re going on vacation and fish yourself asking – how long can my fish go without food? Read this guide to find out!
Everyone has feed bread to fish in a pond at one point or another – but can aquarium fish eat bread? This guide covers all your questions.
In this guide we discuss the importance of aquarium aeration and provide some tips to help you aerate your fish tank the right way.
In this guide we share 20 of our favorite aquarium decorations to help you put together a fun, functional tank for your fish.