Black Widow Tetra Care: Hardiness, Tank Mates, and Breeding
Black widow tetras have been a part of the hobby for several decades. Almost every store in the world will
Black widow tetras have been a part of the hobby for several decades. Almost every store in the world will
One look and it’s easy to see how the bleeding heart tetra gets its name. The red dot along its
Bloodfin tetras are underrated in today’s aquarium hobby, where brillant neon colors are what people favor. But few tetra fish
Fish carnivores include some of the largest and toothiest fish in the hobby. But there are just as many species
In this guide we cover everything that you need to know about keeping Ember Tetras in your aquarium at home.
Flame tetras are increasing in popularity these days. Their delicate yellow and red color and schooling behavior makes them ideal
The serpae tetra is a colorful addition to any aquarium. The contrast to their vibrant red flanks and black fins
Small, affordable, and sociable…What’s not to like about the glowlight tetra? These tetras are a good choice for beginning aquarists.
The smokey gray and black tones of the black phantom tetra are a stunning change from the vibrant colors of