9 Perfect Discus Tank Mates (Complete Compatibility Guide)
Discus are one of the most prized and respected fish in the hobby – and for good reason. Their amazing
Discus are one of the most prized and respected fish in the hobby – and for good reason. Their amazing
If you’re interested in getting into cichlid keeping, the sheer number of species might be causing your head to spin.
Cory Catfish (also known as Corydoras, Cory Cats, and Armored Catfish) are one of the most popular species in freshwater
Plecostomus, sometimes known as suckermouth catfish, are one of the most popular freshwater aquarium fish in the hobby. They’re known
Starting a planted aquarium in your home can be an engaging and rewarding hobby. Since you may not be willing
Tiger barbs (Puntigrus tetrazona) are active, speedy fish famous for their aggressive natures. Aquarists must be cautious when keeping them
Here’s the truth… A planted tank is only as good as its substrate. In the exact way that good soil
If your fish tank is constantly looking cloudy, this article is for you. We go into detail about causes and solutions to cloudy aquarium water, along with a few tips to have your water looking pristine.
Learn everything you need to know about setting up your first fish tank! We cover all the basics, including finding a tank, cycling your aquarium, and picking out fish.