What Water Temperature Do Betta Fish Need?

It is a myth that bettas can live in room-temperature water and stay healthy. Bettas are tropical fish from Southeast Asia. They need warm water to keep their immune systems healthy. Without the right environment, bettas are more likely to get sick and die an early death.

In most parts of the world, a small heater is enough to keep the water at the right temperature.

The Ideal Betta Fish Water Temperature

betta fish water temperature

The best temperature for betta fish is between 75-81°F (24-27.2°C).

In the wild, betta fish live in tropical waters that usually stay between 75-80°F (24-26.7°C). Hobbyists should strive to mimic their natural environment to keep a healthy betta.

Temperatures that are too cold slow their metabolism, causing them to eat less. Cold temperatures negatively impact their immune system. They are more likely to get sick.

Temperatures that are too hot cause a betta’s metabolism to speed up. They eat more, grow faster, and produce more waste. Fish seem to have shorter lives when their metabolisms work more quickly.

Like cold temperatures, hot temperatures lower bettas’ immune systems. They are more likely to get sick and die.

Do Betta Fish Need A Heater?

Most betta fish need a heater for their water to be warm enough.

Those living in hot, tropical countries are often fine without a heater. A heater is necessary for most of the world, especially in the colder months.

A betta fish heater is nice for smaller tanks. Mini heaters barely take up any space and are easy to hide behind decorations.

Small, adjustable heaters are better for tanks with ten or more gallons.

The Ideal Size For Betta Tanks

Every betta needs a tank that is at least three gallons. We usually recommend at least five gallons for most bettas. Ten gallons is even better to give the fish the most swimming room.

The Best Betta Fish Tank Setup

The best environment for a betta fish mimics its natural environment. Give it lots of decorations and hiding places. Bettas love live plants, driftwood, and caves.

What kind of water do betta fish need?

Healthy water for betta fish stays within these parameters:

  • Betta fish pH: 6.5-7.5
  • Ammonia: 0 ppm
  • Nitrites: 0 ppm
  • Nitrates: >40 ppm

How To Treat Tap Water For Betta Fish

Treat tap water with a dechlorinator to make it safe for betta fish. Most tap water contains chlorine, which is toxic for fish.

Add fresh water and dechlorinator to a bucket and let it sit for about 24 hours. A full day is enough to neutralize all the chlorine.

How To Change Water For Betta Fish

Easily change a betta’s water with a gravel vacuum or clean turkey baster.

Small gravel vacuums work well for tanks over ten gallons. They suck up waste and get the stuff that has worked its way into the gravel.

Gravel vacuums suck out the water too fast for smaller tanks. All the water will be gone before the hobbyist has time to get rid of the larger waste particles.

Turkey basters are an excellent choice for tanks five gallons or smaller.


Never use a turkey baster from the kitchen. Doing so is unsafe for fish and humans. Buy a brand new turkey baster and store it with the aquarium equipment.


Can Betta Fish Live In Bowls?

Betta fish can not live in small bowls.

Pet stores spread the myth that bettas can live in small bowls with minimum care to sell more fish. In reality, they need a decent amount of space, a filter, and a heater.

Large bowl-like tanks are okay if they are at least five gallons. The biOrb and Penn-Plax Aquashphere are a few examples.

Do Betta Fish Need Light?

Betta fish need dim lighting that mimics the lighting in their natural environment. Heavy vegetation shades bettas in the wild. It prevents the light from being too bright.

Overly bright lights cause bettas stress.