Asian stone catfish are one of the smallest species of catfish for aquariums. People enjoy them for their rough, rocky-looking bodies and curious nature. They like to hide for most of the day but will become active and entertaining when they get the urge.

What Is The Asian Stone Catfish?
The Asian stone is a small species of catfish covered in shades of mottled gray and brown. The coloring marks the fish’s body in rough stripes, giving them a resemblance to a rock that helps them blend in. Even their eyes change color from dark brown to light beige.
These Asian catfish have sharp, serrated dorsal fins that they use for defense. If something tries to eat them, the spines stick in their mouths and make them choke.
They also have long spines along their pectoral fins. The fins are longer than that of most catfish, and they resemble an anchor.
Asian stone catfish are popular in nano tanks because they only grow to about 1.3 in (3 cm) in length. In the wild, they may grow larger, up to 1.6 in (4 cm), but this doesn’t happen often.
BdFISH describes them as “Body elongated ventral side flattened. Head depressed. Mouth small. Body inferior or sub-terminal. (Talwar and Jhingran, 1991). Eye small. Body not rough. Barbel four pairs. Dorsal spine strong. caudal fin forked, upper lobe longer then lower lobe. Color brownish (Rahman, 1989), yellowish brown (Talwar and Jhingran, 1991). Irregular bands present on body, caudal, anal and pelvic.”
Although they are small, they have a decent lifespan of about 5 years.
- Common Names: Asian stone catfish, moth catfish, dwarf anchor catfish
- Scientific Name: Hara jerdoni
- Origin: Northeastern India & Bangladesh
- Asian Stone Catfish Size (Length): 1.3 in (3 cm)
- Aquarium Size: 10+ gallons
- Temperament: Peaceful
- Ease of Care: Easy
These mini catfish are native to slow-moving streams in northeastern India and Bangladesh.
Fishbase says the species “Occurs in slow-moving hill streams with sandy bottom, rivers, and beels. A very sluggish fish.”
They prefer smaller streams with calm waters. These streams have a sandy substrate that won’t hurt their sensitive bellies. These waters are often cool, and the gentle flow of water provides enough oxygen.
Behavior & Temperament
These mini catfish are peaceful and timid, making them ideal for beginners. They are bottom-dwellers who prefer to hide and are rarely seen. They are a sedentary species that don’t swim much, even at night. But, they are nocturnal, so you’ll have a better chance of seeing them after dark.
Still, Asian stone catfish will become very active when they want to. Some fish keepers have noted that they love the scent of bloodworms. When you add bloodworms to the tank, the catfish will dart about in a race to find their favorite food.
Asian Stone Catfish Care

The Asian catfish species are hardy. They are one of the easiest bottom-feeders to care for.
They are a cold-water species that does not need a heater. They prefer temperatures between 64–75°F (18–24°C).
They can tolerate a wider pH range, between 5.6-7.6. Their water hardness should be between 8-15 dGH.
Tank Size
They are small catfish, but they do better in groups of six or more. So, choosing a larger tank is ideal. A 10-gallon tank with lots of decorations is good for a small school of these catfish.
If you want to place a school in a community tank, you should aim for at least 30 gallons. This will give your catfish plenty of space to hide from the rest of the inhabitants.

Because they love to hide, you should provide them with plenty of rocks, caves, and driftwood. The substrate should consist of soft sand that won’t cut their bodies. You can layer the rocks on top of the sand.
Also, provide them with plenty of live, low-lying plants that they can use to hide in.
Indian Almond Leaves
Indian almond leaves are another good addition to the tank. In the wild, Asian stone catfish like to hide among leaf litter where they stay safe. You can layer Indian almond leaves along the substrate.
Besides acting as decoration, Indian almond leaves aid in your fish’s health. They boost their immune system. So, they prevent them from getting sick and help them heal from illness.
Like all natural materials, Indian almond leaves will decompose after a time. Remove and replace them whenever you see them begin to break down.
Water Flow
Cooler water naturally has higher levels of oxygen. Still, Asian stone catfish like gentle-flowing water. Providing them with some flow will keep them happy. It will also ensure they are getting enough oxygen.
To provide gentle flow, you can choose a small, adjustable powerhead. Aim the flow on the bottom of the tank across the substrate where the catfish swim.
Asian stone catfish are carnivores. You should provide them with a variety of live, freeze-dried, or frozen meaty foods.
Some options include bloodworms, brine shrimps, and mosquito larvae.
To supplement their diet, you should offer them a nutritious bottom-feeder pellet.
To make sure they’re getting enough food, be sure to feed them at night. They are more active and less shy at night, so they’re more likely to come out for food.
Tank Mates

These tiny catfish are peaceful, so they make good tankmates for fish that larger catfish do not. Choose other small, gentle fish that need the same water parameters as your catfish.
Since they are cold-water fish, finding tank mates is more of a challenge. Pet stores tend to stock mostly tropical fish.
Some good tank mates include:
- White cloud mountain minnow
- Zebra danios
- Cool-water barbs
- Adult dwarf shrimp
Avoid housing them with large, aggressive species who might eat them. Also, avoid active bottom-dwellers who will outcompete them for food.
Can You Keep An Asian Stone Catfish With A Betta?
You may be able to keep a dwarf anchor catfish with betta fish. Bettas are aggressive with other bettas and fish that look like themselves. Fish like catfish are subtle in their coloration. So, they don’t receive much attention from bettas.
Your main problem will be the temperature. The bottom range of a betta’s preferred water temperature is 75º F. The top range of an Asian stone catfish’s temperature range is 75º F. So, to keep them both happy, you’d need to keep the temperature at exactly 75º F. This may be hard to do, but it’s possible if you buy an adjustable heater.
How Does the Asian Stone Catfish Compare To Other Catfish?
Are you not sure if an Asian stone catfish is right for your aquarium? See how they compare to other common freshwater species.
Asian Stone Catfish | Cory Catfish | Upside Down Catfish | Glass Catfish | Pictus Catfish | Bumblebee Catfish | |
Temperament | Shy & Peaceful | Shy & Peaceful | Shy & Peaceful | Peaceful | Semi-Aggressive | Shy & Peaceful |
Preferred Habitat | Sandy Substrate | Rocks & Live Plants | Rocks & Live Plants | Mid-Water Dwellers | Rocks & Live Plants | Rocky Substrate |
Lifespan | 5 Years | 5+ Years | 5 Years | 8 Years | 8-10 Years | 4-5 Years |
Size | 1.3 Inches | 1-2.5 Inches | 3-4 Inches | 4-6 Inches | 5 Inches | 3 Inches |
These small freshwater catfish like to live in groups in cold-water tanks. They are a peaceful species that likes to hide, but they will become active while feeding. If you’re looking for a bottom feeder for a smaller aquarium, the Asian stone catfish might be a good option.
Although they are scavengers, Asian stone catfish don’t show any interest in algae. They prefer meaty items like bloodworms and larvae.
Asian stones are small fish that only reach a length of about 1.3 in (3 cm). For this reason, they are a good option for those with smaller tanks.